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Shocking News Alien Mega structure In Universe


Before 3- months ago, news had arrived that a gigantic "mega alien structure" 
could survive around a bizarre-looking star 1,500 light-years away. The first 
signs of this spatial peculiarity came from NASA's Kepler space telescope 
chasing planets, which constantly observed the star's sky region between 2009 
and 2013. Most of the stars that host the planet seem to be small regular dives 
to the light when their planets pass in front of them. But Tabby's star dipped 
randomly during the 4 years, occasionally losing up to 20 percent of its 
brightness. In September 2015, a group led by Tabetha Boyajian of Yale 
University, who gave the star its informal name, tried to make sense of this 
strange signal. Eventually they decided that the main explanation was dust from 
a huge cloud of comets.

A month later, the star's full title crosses the globe thanks to an article by
Jason Wright of Pennsylvania State University and his companions, who suggested 
that "mega alien structures", such as satellites designed to collect light from 
the star, could be responsible for the signal.

While the alien scene was first launched by Penn State scientist Jason Wright,
almost everyone in astronomy people agreed that the odds of this being the case 
were "very low".

Now, the most recent investigation into this bizarre star by Louisiana State
University scientist Bradley Schaefer has rekindled alien theory, according to 
the latest scientist.

Currently Bradley Schaefer of Louisiana State University has discovered that the
mystery goes even further. When the Boyajian team studied the star, they look at
data from the Harvard University report on the digitally scanned photographic 
plates of the sky from the record to see if the star had behaved strangely in 
the past, but they didn't start anything. Archefer has determined this strange 
star deserves a second look. He averaged the data in a 5-year container to look 
for long-term slow trends and found that the star faded about 20% between 1890 
and 1989. "The basic effect is small and not obvious ", he claims.

To demonstrate that the fade was real, Schaefer travels to Harvard to look at the original 
photographic plates and inspect them with an eye for any changes, a skill that minority 
scientists have these days. "Since nobody uses multiple photographic plates, it is basically
 a lost art, "says Wright." Schaefer is a specialist in this area. "

Schaefer saw the same century-long darkening in his physical reading, and calculated that
648,000 comets would have to pass, every 200 kilometers wide, to be passed by the star - 
completely implausible, he says.

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