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Most "aware" people realize that NASA is only a part of the military industrial complex, 
but a recent open admission on mainstream news that "there are indications of alien life" 
is probably the beginning of an offer. to get your full attention first a forced disclosure 

Many people already believe what NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan says:

"I think we will have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade. I think we
will have definitive evidence within 20-30 years."

It won't take long if we open our eyes.

Stofan goes on to say:

"We are on the verge of things that people have been wondering for millennia. In all our
lives we will understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We will 
understand the implications of this for life here on Earth."

What we will understand is that our "secret" government has been hiding this for centuries.
In an attempt to move the United States and other countries through its reach to a cabal-run 
oligarchy, our shadow government has lied about corporate bondage rings off the planet, 
alien abductions, benevolent beings who can do so much until our collective consciousness 
rises and much more.

William Cooper, among others, tried to reveal NASA's true purpose, but was exterminated.
His death, among thousands of others, will not be in vain.

We will learn that in addition to the extraterrestrial beings who visit our planet and many
different ET races who tinker with our DNA for millennia, there are ancient humanoid races 
that are more than 10 million years old
Most "aware" people realize that NASA is only a part of the military industrial complex, 
but a recent open admission on mainstream news that "there are indications of alien life" 
is probably the beginning of an offer. to get your full attention first a forced disclosure 

Many people already believe what NASA chief scientist Ellen Stofan says:

"I think we will have strong indications of life beyond Earth within a decade. I think we
will have definitive evidence within 20-30 years."

It won't take long if we open our eyes.

Stofan goes on to say:

"We are on the verge of things that people have been wondering for millennia. In all our
lives we will understand that there is life on other bodies in the solar system. We will 
understand the implications of this for life here on Earth."

What we will understand is that our "secret" government has been hiding this for centuries.
In an attempt to move the United States and other countries through its reach to a cabal-run 
oligarchy, our shadow government has lied about corporate bondage rings off the planet, alien 
abductions, benevolent beings who can do so much until our collective consciousness rises and 
much more.

William Cooper, among others, tried to reveal NASA's true purpose, but was exterminated. His
death, among thousands of others, will not be in vain.

We will learn that in addition to the extraterrestrial beings who visit our planet and many
different ET races who tinker with our DNA for millennia, there are ancient humanoid races 
that are more than 10 million years old.

We will find that a recent cyber hacker has recovered millions of documents related to
government and corporate staff, some claim as part of the documentation for similar trials in 
Nuremberg, will soon begin against those who controlled, enslaved and tortured us. Undeniable 
photos of UFOs have also been discovered.

We will also learn that chemtrails and GMOs were the LAST of plans made for us "rams" and
"useless eaters" by a Luciferian cabal, and that President Harry Truman signed a document 
with some ETs that allowed the elite to conduct a High tech technology experiments with the 
intelligence acquired by these ETs in exchange for the opposite view when some humans were 
kidnapped for ET experiments.

We will learn that we are not helpless, as we have been programmed to believe. We are, in fact,
a rare humanoid race that has an incredible range of emotions and creative power. We will 
learn that our minds and emotions can either fuel the chaos on this planet or bring it back 
to its legitimate place of peace and cooperation, of caring for others at least as much as 

We will learn that our ascension to infinitely peaceful beings is indeed possible, and has
been described in countless books, many of which have been suppressed along with information 
about UFOs.

NASA is now telling us that the probability of alien life is a ploy. Remember to remember
those who were executed for trying to prove this information to us decades ago and to use 
discernment when the truth is finally revealed.
Here’s the full disclosure by William Cooper:

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