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Update On The Discovery Of An 'Alien Body' Unearthed In Nazca, Peru


DNA testing on a body that was discovered has revealed that the body may be a species that's unlike anything to possess been found up to now. In June 2017 a mummy was found in Nazca in Peru that showed signs of it being a species that has not been seen before. Now new bodies are revealed and that they are even as interesting.


 who was the 6th man on the moon, said that alien spacecraft has crashed on Earth and bodies were recovered. he's adamant that we aren't alone which aliens are visiting Earth for a protracted time, he continued by saying that he's among the few privileged to be in on the actual fact that aliens have visited us and UFOs are real. 

Many people in high ranks have said the identical as Mitchell and there has also been declassification of presidency documents that show over the decades there are military encounters with UFOs which have traveled at speeds that no craft from Earth can fly and which have performed maneuvers that no known aircraft is in a position to.

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